Similar words: for the moment, at this moment, moment, momentum, in a moment, at the mercy of, not to mention, at that time.

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241. We've got a general idea of what we want, but nothing concrete at the moment.
242. The dispute at the moment revolved about the question of whom to send.
243. It's unfair to land the blame on him, because he was not on the scene of the crime at the moment.
244. Just at the moment his brother bounced into the room.
245. I'm disenchanted with the state of British theatre at the moment.
246. Things are a bit difficult at home at the moment.
247. I think she feels desperately wounded and unloved at the moment.
248. The nurse will be with you soon - she's settling a new patient in at the moment.
249. I'm busy at the moment - can you call back later?
250. I'm too busy to take this new job on board at the moment.
251. We're only getting 130 yen to the dollar at the moment.
252. As far as traffic is concerned there are no delays at the moment.
253. We shall just have to wait and see; there's nothing we can do at the moment.
254. Your boss is riding you much too hard at the moment.
255. There's a lot of flu going round at the moment.
256. I'm in his bad books at the moment because I accidentally broke the window.
257. We are short of funds at the moment(, so we are not going on holiday.
258. I will take exams in two weeks, so I'm keeping my nose to the grindstone just at the moment.
259. I don't feel competent to give an opinion at the moment.
260. I'm very pressed for cash at the moment can I pay you next week?
261. She is on the crest of a wave at the moment following her Olympic
262. The investigation has only just started so the police haven't got much to go on at the moment.
263. Our marriage is going through a difficult stage at the moment.
264. From the way things look at the moment, the Republicans are unlikely to win this election.
More similar words: for the moment, at this moment, moment, momentum, in a moment, at the mercy of, not to mention, at that time, all the more, commencement, amendment, at that, entertainment, sentiment, at the age of, at the end of, at the cost of, at this stage, at the time of, at the same time, at the expense of, at the thought of, at the beginning, at the beginning of, attention, mentor, comment, ailment, payment, element.